ACT Testing
February 25, 2025, ACT Testing at Margaretta High School in the Gym
This test will be free of charge to our Junior students.
ALL students must bring their fully charged Chromebook and at least one No.2 pencil to the meeting.
Diagnostic Testing
Students in grades 6-10 are tested in reading and math to help monitor progress and guide instruction throughout the school year. On these dates, students in grades 11-12 will be allowed to arrive at school at the 2 hour delay start time.
Mid-Year Diagnostic Testing: Wednesday, January 29, 2025 and February 5, 2025.
Spring State Test Schedule
ELA: April 8 and 9
Math: April 23 and 24
Science and Social Studies: April 29 and 30
State Test Results
Ohio law requires results to be shared by districts no later than June 30th of each year. This applies to grades 3 through 8 and high school end of course tests. If a student did not take a state assessment, no results will be reported.
Detailed family reports will be made available at the beginning of the school year, either distributed at Open House or sent home during the first week of the new school year. More information about how to read these reports can be found by clicking here:
Family Score Reports Interpretive Guides.