Board of Education

Back row (left to right): Josh Hula, Brian Sutorius (Vice President), Paul Schoenegge, Elmer Lippert
Front row (left to right): Keegan Hall (Treasurer), Angie Tucker (President), Ed Kurt (Superintendent)


Regular meetings of the Margaretta Board of Education are held on a schedule determined by the board at the organizational meeting in January, and located at the:

Margaretta Board of Education Office
305 South Washington St.
Castalia, OH 44824

Check the website's online District Calendar for exact meeting dates and times.

All meetings of any Board of Education of a school district are declared to be public meetings open to the public at all times with the exception of an executive session, in which specific matters can only be discussed, and the public is excluded; however, no business may be transacted at such executive sessions.

The Margaretta Local Board of Education welcomes you to its meeting and expresses its appreciation for your interest in its work and schools.


The agenda provides a specific time wherein the public may appear and be heard, but they have no right to enter into the deliberations of the board. The Board of Education reserves the right to table any matter of concern presented by visitors orally until the next regular meeting.

Unless a visitor has been placed on the regular agenda, speaking time is limited to five (5) minutes per speaker. The Board of Education policy also limits its total time for speakers to thirty (30) minutes. Exceptions can be made only by a vote of the majority of the board.


RC§ 121.22 permits discussion in executive session only for the following specified purposes:
  1. The appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of public employees or regulated individuals, or the investigation of charges or complaints against a public employee or regulated individual unless such person requests a public hearing;
  2. To consider the purchase of property or the sale of property, if premature disclosure of information would give an unfair competitive bargaining advantage to a person whose private interest is adverse to the general public interest;
  3. Conferences with an attorney concerning disputes involving pending or imminent court action;
  4. Preparing for, conducting, or reviewing negotiations or bargaining sessions with public employees;
  5. Matters required to be kept confidential by federal laws, rules or state statues; and
  6. Specialized details of security arrangements where disclosure of matters discussed might reveal information that could be used for the purpose of committing or avoiding prosecution for, a violation of the law.

School Board Members

Mr. Brian Sutorius, Vice President
Mrs. Angie Tucker, President 
Mr. Ed Kurt, Superintendent
Mr. Keegan Hall, Treasurer

Margaretta Board of Education
305 S. Washington St.
Castalia, OH 44824
Phone: (419) 684-5322
Fax: (419) 684-9003
An agenda is provided for your convenience enabling you to follow the board's procedure in transacting school business. Citizens who desire to include any matter of concern on the agenda should make the request to the Treasurer or Superintendent of schools at least five (5) days in advance of the regular board meeting date.  Minutes of the preceding meeting and the agenda are delivered to the members of the board at least two days in advance of the regularly scheduled meeting.
The Treasurer of the Board of Education records the business proceedings of each meeting of the board in a book provided for that purpose. These minutes are available to the public for inspection at any reasonable time. Approved minutes of previous meetings are posted in the green box to the left.

The above rules, regulations and policies are essential to accomplishing the objectives of the school district. We hope you enjoy your attendance of the Margaretta Local Board of Education meetings as members of the board act upon the public matters entrusted to them.
© 2025. Margaretta Local School District.
All Rights Reserved.