Each student has one number automatically added into our One Call Now system. The number we use is the "Primary" number listed on your child's Emergency Medical Form. If your number CHANGES, be sure to fill out a Change of Address/Phone Number form:
If you wish to ADD phone numbers for One Call notifications, you can add numbers to the "Family Profile Link" on our One Call webpage:
One Call Now
If you miss a One Call Message, you can call the One Call number on your phone and the message will be repeated.
In the event of One Call technical issues, in particular with cell phones, be sure to check our website, Facebook page, the Sandusky Register online, radio (WLEC, WCPZ, WNCG, WFRO, WLKR, WKRM) and TV (WTOL Toledo 11, WNWO Toledo 24, Channel 5 Cleveland, Channel 3 Cleveland, WTVG Toledo 13).