Final Forms Text Messaging

Margaretta Local School District recently enabled text messaging through Final Forms. This message goes to the primary contact if it is a cell phone. Please make sure that information is correct and updated when changed in your student's Final Forms account. Please note, you cannot reply back to text messages. If you need to respond, please contact your child's building or the district office directly. 

Texts will come from these two phone numbers: 
  • 844-721-3299
  • 855-416-7781
You may opt-out at any time. Margaretta Local School District does not require that you opt-in to SMS Text Messaging, but it is important to regularly check your FinalForms communication, email or text, to keep informed. OneCall is also used to share information via phone and voicemail, using the primary contact phone number. 

Our goal is to streamline communication between the school and our families, enabling a more comprehensive, real-time communication experience.

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